My Luxe Voyage


A guide on steps to take if you misplaced your passport

We were on our Scotland trip exploring the picturesque landscapes, historic castles and the vibrant culture. However, what was meant to be an unforgettable trip took an unexpected turn on the very last day. In this blog, I am sharing our nerve-wracking experience and a guide to help all those who land up in such a situation.

As our eight-day Scottish adventure was coming to a close, the excitement of returning home was palpable. We were in Edinburgh, done with all the shopping, exploring landmarks, and even enjoyed a few drams of Scotch whisky. Now, with our flight scheduled for the following day, it was time to pack our bags and prepare for the journey back. 

It was a beautiful Saturday morning in the Meadows, and we were prepared to leave our Airbnb in Edinburgh. I reached for my passport, which I had carefully placed in my travel sack. To my shock, it wasn’t there. Panic surged as I had not just lost mine but my 2-year old daughter’s passport as well. I searched frantically through my luggage and every conceivable place I could think of, but my passport remained elusive. 

The clock was ticking and we had no idea what to do next. We googled the contact number of the Indian Embassy in Edinburgh and upon calling them got the information that it was closed on weekends, compounding my anxiety. So it was only on Monday that I could take some action. We checked out from our Airbnb and checked in a hotel nearby to the embassy for the next two days.

Despite the grim situation, here are the steps we took:

1. Contact the Embassy

Even though it was a weekend in Edinburgh, to our surprise and relief, there was an emergency helpline number we could reach. They provided guidance on next steps. 

2. Report the Loss at a Local Police Station

We located the nearest police station on google maps and reported the loss of our passports. This report becomes very crucial when dealing with the embassy officials and when you apply for a re-issue of your passport. 


3. Apply for a Temporary or Emergency Passport

The embassy or consulate guided us to fill an application form online and submit it along with necessary travel documents like passport copy and police report. This process varies depending on the nationality and the country you are in. 

4. Notify your Travel Insurance Provider

Always, Always and Always take travel insurance before you set off on your vacation. Contact your provider and see if they can offer any assistance or coverage for the expenses we may incur due to the loss of our passport. 

5. Contact the Airlines

We contacted the airline and explained our situation. We also notified them to reebok our flight once we are through with the procedure of temporary or emergency passport. 

6. Visit the Embassy 

When the Indian embassy finally opened on Monday morning, we went there and submitted our documents, after which they asked us to also submit a copy at VFS Global as they would be issuing the emergency travel certificate.

7. Waiting for your passport 

With all the immediate steps taken, all we could do was wait. It was a test of our patience and resilience. After a wait of seven days, we collected our passports from VFS Global and booked our flight back home.

Lessons Learned

1. Always double-check

A simple habit of double-checking my passport everyday could have saved me from this ordeal.

2. Know Your Embassy

Familiarize yourself with your country’s embassy or consulate’s contact information and emergency procedures in the country you’re visiting.

3. Keep Digital Copies

Scan and store digital copies of all important documents, including your passport in a cloud storage or secure email account.

4. Stay Calm, Don’t Panic

Losing your passport can be incredibly stressful, but panicking won’t help. Take a deep breath, try to stay composed, and remember there is always a solution to a problem. Keeping a clear head will enable you to handle the situation more effectively.

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